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CPA Australia welcomes today’s announcement by the Morrison Government to extend and taper the JobKeeper scheme until March 2021. Many Australian businesses will respond positively to today’s announcement that JobKeeper will be retained beyond September, albeit with less generous payments.
You get what you focus on
If you want to be a high performer and achieve your goals in business, it’s imperative that you protect your focus. Here are just a few ways to do so.
Make the most of the experts around you
Regardless of the size of your business, chances are you will benefit from setting up what's called an 'advisory board'. In fact, history shows that even the most widely skilled, highly organised and well-resourced business owners enjoy significant advantages by establishing advisory boards for their businesses.
Clean out the clutter: The first step to higher productivity
With email volumes increasing every year, coupled with the rapid rise in other communication methods such as instant messaging and online networks like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, the world is dealing with information overload never before experienced in history. And yet most of it is simply just clutter… stuff read or kept ‘just in case’, but only a small proportion of it is useful in achieving our high priority goals… the goals that make a real difference to our performance, success and life enjoyment.
Never enough time? Think again!
In today's constantly changing and highly competitive business world, business owners and employees at all levels are under increasing pressure to deliver more with less. Yet, most people have never been taught how to navigate through the increasingly faster and more furious working day.
What do you say when someone asks "what DO you do?"
"Picture this: you've just been introduced to someone you've never met before, and they ask you the inevitable ice breaker question: "So, what do you do?" The way you respond to this question can make a surprising difference to your level of business success.
Harnessing the power of customer testimonials
A few positive words about your brand received at no cost from a satisfied customer has the potential to generate far more credibility and trust for your brand than thousands of dollars of self-promotion.